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Postcode distance search

Enhance your application with a postcode radius search


Support is only available after purchase of a country-file.

After that time support will be available via e-mail only.

In addition support is only available for customers who apply for support with a valid transaction-id.

We send updated files automatically per email to the email-address you supplied while purchasing.

If your email-address changes in the future, please inform us with a short email.

Free Updates

Free lifetime data updates

All our customers automatically receive emails containing the updated files whenever we add, change or remove data's in the country-files you purchased.

Customer Support

Product and Implementation Support.

We will support you from the very first time you contact us with a pre-sales enquiry, through our accounting process and most importantly provide you with any after-sales support you may require.

To integrate the postcode radius search into your website, please see our coding examples!

Get free email support. We help you to integrate your zip code distance search into your website! E-Mail us